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University Admissions Office



All Saints University offers a wide range of study opportunities at different levels of your career. These range from undergraduate, graduate as well as continuing career enhancement options. If standard study options dont apply to you, flexible study options may be more suitable. These include:

Day Study programmes designed to offer opportunities to mainly the fresh secondary school graduates although any interested person who meets the admission requirements can apply to be considered for admission.

Evening and Weekend Study programmes designed to offer opportunities to mainly the working class although any interested person who meets the admission requirements can apply to be considered for admission.

Distance learning or External study programmes designed to benefit those who merit University education but for some reason are unable to attend regular classes at the University.

1. Application fee for Ugandan students is UGX 25,000/- while for Non-Ugandan students is USD 15;

2. Before receiving an admission letter, an applicant MUST pay a commitment fee of UGX 50,000/- or USD 30 which becomes part of the tuition fee for the semester;

3. The National Council for Higher Education fee of UGX 20,000/- is paid annually by every student using bank slip for NCHE obtainable in Stanbic Bank, Bank of Africa, dfcu bank;

4. Fieldwork fee of Ugx 130,000= MUST be paid at the beginning of the second semester in Dfcu Bank;

5. All university dues shall be paid to ANY of the Equity Bank Branches on A/C No. 1029200828649; OR ANY of the DFCU Bank Branches on A/C No. 01053500246613; Payments Must include a Bank charge determined by the respective Banks

6. Application form can be downloaded from the link below, fill it, attach all required documents and return to admissions office or scan and send to [email protected]


Registration shall be done during the first two weeks of the reporting date and every student MUST pay a minimum of 50% of tuition fees; the balance not later than the sixth week after beginning of a semester


There are no Scholarships and/or Bursaries available at the moment. Plese keep checking this page always as we keep on updating you.


Intake Description Action
August 2022 Admission list for August 2022 DOWNLOAD/VIEW

Admissions Office Contact

P.O.BOX 32, Lira City - Uganda


Email: [email protected]
Website: www.asul.ac.ug/admissions.html